In this project I was appointed an athlete and then I had to design an app that helped him with his sport. I first had an interview with the athlete to see what his bottlenecks are and what he would like to have. As a designer I then made an app that meets his wishes and more. I wanted to design an interface that gives him an overview of his data at a glance and I wanted to make sure he had everything in one place. The app was a logbook for him to track what he did en how he felt that day. All his statistics about his performance was in the app as well, because he said he would like a place where everything came together, because he had to switch between 5 different apps right now. The athlete was satisfied with the design and it seemed very useful, only this was just a prototype. He was sorry he couldn't really use it but he liked it and seemed like a good idea. In this project I learned well to get what they want from the customer and I learned well to make iterations by often holding feedback rounds. I've found that this is very important in interface design.

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